102 Park Street
Haworth, NJ 07641
CRS, the international humanitarian agency of the US Church, is offering emergency relief efforts in Turkey and Syria. They are bringing people displaced by the recent earthquake to safe spaces and distributing hot meals, clean water, hygiene supplies, and other essentials.
Let us continue to offer our prayers for our brothers and sisters, who mourn losses and face this devastation.
Many Catholic parishes face long-term financial challenges today and parishes in Bergen County are not exempt from these challenges. One way to ensure that Sacred Heart continues its mission to serve parishioners in our area is by making a personal bequest (gift) to Sacred Heart in your will. Bequests and legacy gifts provide a lifeline to the future by enabling religious organizations to achieve long-term financial stability and sustainability.
When preparing your estate plan, while considering your personal circumstances and those of your loved ones, please also consider a gift to Sacred Heart. Some examples include:
• Life insurance or retirement plans
• Real estate
• Wills, bequests, trusts
• Stocks and securities
• Donor advised funds
• Gift annuities
• Charitable trusts
If you are interested in learning more about Planned Giving opportunities, please contact Father Bob or any Finance Council member. Thank you!